(Coming Soon)
- .NET 8.0 Desktop Runtime (v8.0.4) (or above) - available here
- .NET6.0 Desktop Runtime (v6.0.0) - available here
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 to 2022 Redistributable Package (x64) - available here
If you are upgrading from a previous version of the single-tab editor which is earlier than V1.0.1.22499 then please upgrade to a later version of the single-tab editor first.
V1.0.1.xxxxx denotes single-tab and V1.0.2.xxxxx denotes the multi-tab version.
Note: customers may report that Kappris PDF Editor fails in some strange way on a brand new machine despite it working absolutely fine on their other machines.
This may well be that the prerequisites are missing.
Older machines, as a side-effect of having other apps installed on them, may well have had packages installed that are also prerequisites for the Kappris PDF Editor.
During a manual installation you will be presented with the options below shown here with their corresponding FEATURE name:
FEATURE_PDFEditor FEATURE_Plugins FEATURE_LocalStorage FEATURE_Imanage10WebView FEATURE_NetDocsWebView FEATURE_Sharepoint FEATURE_OCR FEATURE_Shortcuts
For an unattended installation you can specify the options required on the command line by using the ADDLOCAL
switch. This can be combined with REMOVE
if desired. The commands below would install everything APART from the OCR feature:
msiexec /q /i "Kappris PDF Editor." ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE="FEATURE_OCR"
These commands would install Kappris PDF Editor with Local Storage, iManage10 Plugin, OCR and Shortcuts. Note you must specify FEATURE_PDFEditor or the main app won't be installed:
msiexec /q /i "Kappris PDF Editor." ADDLOCAL="FEATURE_PDFEditor,FEATURE_LocalStorage,FEATURE_iManage10WebView,FEATURE_OCR,FEATURE_Shortcuts"
Switch definitions:
Quiet or silent installation with no dialog prompts.
Log installation messages and events (/l*vx
means log everything, extra verbose). Follow this switch with a space and then the name of an output text file to receive the UNICODE text log.
switch means install from the msi file whose name follows the switch.
msiexec /q /l*v logfile.txt /i "Kappris PDF Editor." ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE="FEATURE_NetDocsWebView"