Build date: 12th December 2018
Release Notes
Version 2.2.8
7003: Issue printing electronic stationery on Windows 10
7007: Outlook QuickPrint sometimes prints twice
7256: iManage installation script is unreliable
7349: Reliably disable Kappris when full configuration is unavailable
Version 2.2.7
6484: Disable print button if more parts selected than exist in single email
6524: Improve performance of final-phase content management and printing
Implemented changes show significant increases in performance
6645: Add more robust document and window tracking to Office add-ins and Kappris Library
6666: Jobs remain in monitor queue when there are multiple users on Terminal Server
6690: CaxtonXPS error printing some images with Windows Photo Viewer
6708: Implement Kappris MSI command line switch to make ShellExtension optional
6745: Some printers produce no content
6800: Part of document missing if page size not set
6806: PresentationFramework Error
When we rely on .NET's default conversion from Object to String the format of the produced string changes with the locale. The Italian locale, for instance, uses a comma rather than a period as the decimal point marker, and consecutive numbers in a list are delimited using a semicolon rather than a comma.
Kappris must work without assuming that a particular locale is in force, so it no longer relies on the default conversion. We have implemented our own conversion method and the produced strings are now formatted correctly irrespective of locale.
6849: Remove diagnostic XPS files if Caxton Always Keep is false
6884: Exception: Part URI must start with a forward slash
6964: Print mode customisation does not work for attachments
Use of Advanced Edit in Outlook only affects printing of mail items when it should also affect printing of attachments.
6974: Optionally, remove local cache optimisation
Kappris configuration caching algorithms optimise the printer configuration for memory space. Performance is better if this optimisation is disabled.
Optimisation now defaults to FALSE. It can be re-enabled in KpMgr using Printer Profiles=>Properties but is only really helpful if a client has more than 100 printer profile objects, which is extremely rare.
6979: Do not log incomplete print job data
Version 2.2.6
6524: Improve performance of final-phase content management and printing
Implemented changes show significant increases in performance
Version 2.2.5
6024: OUTLOOK.EXE, Invalid NRL Content. Email container path = *
6121: Excel selection menus do not close when you click away
6541: July 2018 Microsoft Security update has broken all Kappris printing
Fixed on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows