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Kappris Print Installation
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Last modified on 7/5/2024 4:04 PM by User.

Kappris Print Installation


  • Microsoft .NET 4.6 or later. This article will help you work out what .NET version you have installed. If you discover that you need to install it, google for '.NET download'.
  • Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package 2015-2022 (x64) available here. Or directly from Kutana here - VC_redist.x64.exe
  • Kappris.x64. and later. The latest version is always available here. Prerequisites for older versions are here
  • A shared network folder where all users have read/write access (this can be adjusted post roll-out) for the central configuration. 
  • If you are using Windows 11 21H2 then you will need optional update KB5017383 in order for Kappris to function correctly. See information here on how to obtain this update. Versions 22H2 and later do not require this.

Manual (Interactive) Installation

From an administrative command prompt:

  • Follow the instructions here to clean up and ensure an error free install.
  • If this is the first installation, change directory to the folder containing the installer msi and run the command below substituting the correct name of the installer msi and the path to the central share:
msiexec /i Kappris.msi KAPPRIS_CONFIG_FOLDER=\\server1\kappris\live
  • If the central configuration has already been created (there has been a previous installation) then you do not need to specify the central share:
msiexec /i kappris.msi
  • Choose the options as required.
  • Paste the config.ini file created during the initial pilot installation in place of the existing one in C:\Program Files (x86)\Kutana\Kappris (this tells Kappris the location of the central configuration). You can usually find a copy of the correctly configured config.ini file in the central Kappris share in Kappris\Installs.

Unattended Installation

WARNING—do not attempt an unattended installation until you're certain that you can install interactively without the appearance of any Windows Security/UAC dialogs.

Pre-installation tasks:

  • Install the Kutana driver signing certificate
  • Specify the options required during the installation


Download this file: kutana.cer and use the certutil command to put the certificate in the Trusted Publishers store on that machine:

certutil -addstore TrustedPublisher Kutana.cer

Alternatively you could create a Group Policy to push the certificate out from your Group Policy server to all machines matching certain criteria. This article contains further notes.

Other certificate deployment methods are described in this MS article


During a manual installation you will be presented with the options below shown here with their corresponding FEATURE name:

For an unattended installation you can specify the options required on the command line by using the  ADDLOCAL switch. This can be combined with  REMOVE if desired. The commands below would install everything APART from the DMS Support options:

msiexec /q /i Kappris.msi ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE="FEATURE_DMSSupport"

These commands would install Kappris Core, all Office components and NetDocuments workflow integration:

msiexec /q /i Kappris.msi ADDLOCAL="FEATURE_Core,FEATURE_Office,FEATURE_NetDocuments"

Post installation task:

  • Push out the config.ini file created during the pilot installation. This tells Kappris how to locate the central configuration share.
    • The file needs to go in the Kappris program folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Kutana\Kappris. You can usually find a copy of the correctly configured config.ini file in the central Kappris share in Kappris\Installs

Switch definitions:

/q Quiet or silent installation with no dialog prompts.

/l Log installation messages and events (/l*vx means log everything, extra verbose). Follow this switch with a space and then the name of an output text file to receive the UNICODE text log. 

/i switch means install from the msi file whose name follows the switch.


msiexec /q /l*v logfile.txt /i Kappris.msi ADDLOCAL=ALL REMOVE="FEATURE_DMSSupport"

For versions prior to Kappris V2.4.2.17203 - see the page here

It is recommended to test your unattended installation with a small group of PCs running the install at boot time if possible.

If you have any problems it may be worth incorporating the commands here into your install script.

For deployment using InTune go here