Worksite Integration:
When using FollowMe print software such as Copitrak or uniFLOW and printing from Worksite, the document name is not displayed as it should be in the user's print queue at the device.
Using Worksite Integration we can look up the correct name and pass this to the print queue.
Run as administrator – KAPPRISIWPRINTINSTALL.bat which adds the correct entries to the registry.
This is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Kutana\Kappris folder.
In the config.ini. file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Kutana\Kappris folder add the following:
[DMS Info]
Document Name Format=[DESCRIPTION] [MATTER] . [CLIENT]
Document ID Pattern=\d{1,8}_d{1,4}
Connection not needed if using default library. If specify library then Connection=WORKSITE (for example)
NRPORTBL is the local cache which is quicker to look at and should contain the correct document relating to the ID we are looking up (the same ID can be used for documents in different libraries)
USER will use the windows account currently being used if not specified.
This should now look up the document name in Worksite and pass this to the print queue so that the correct name appears at the device when a user opens their print queue.