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Citrix Configuration
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Last modified on 8/7/2017 12:13 PM by User.


Citrix Configuration

Kappris will work in the Citrix environment in identical fashion to the way it operates on networked workstations. It only should be installed on the Citrix server in the usual way, taking account of the operating system. See Kappris Installation via MSI.

The only major consideration is that the printer order (favourite to least favourite printer) can no longer be stored using the COMPUTER NAME as the key. Use of the Computer Name would give use one list for each Citrix server, which would mean that any user who alters the list will affect all other users on the same server.

Our recommendation is therefore to store the list of printers and key it by the name of the workstation from which the Citrix session is being run. In this way, a user altering the list will only affect the list for their own workstation. This list is known as the Printer Order

Printer Order

It is probably best to save the user's preferred printer order under their Citrix Client Name. This is usually the Computer Name of the client machine but web (and other) users might find that the Client Name has been auto-generated and therefore is changeable and unrecognisable.

To set the Client Name to something sensible, one can alter the registry:

The correct path in the registry for the client version (12.1) and Windows 7 is as follows:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ICA Client\Engine\Lockdown Profiles\All Regions\Lockdown\Client Engine

There is a pre-existing REG_SZ value in there called ClientName. Just set this to your desired client name and that's what will show up in XenApp.

If the Kappris configuration is set to use {TERMINAL SERVER CLIENT NAME} for its "Local printer list location" then the Citrix Client Name from the registry will be used as the file name to store details of the preferred order of printers.


This can be altered using Tools|Options from the Kappris Control Panel menu.

Enabling/Disabling Kappris in Word, Outlook and Excel

This is done by editing the registry - the steps to take are detailed here.

You can edit the registry for a single Citrix user by following the instructions here.