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config.ini is the master configuration file for Kappris. Its purpose is to act as a pointer to all the other configuration files (namespaces) used by Kappris
It must always be in the same folder as KappConf.dll, the COM server designed to read all Kappris settings. The default folder for this is the installation folder, <PROGRAM_FILES>\Kutana\Kappris (the program folder), normally:
C:\Program Files\Kutana\Kappris or C:\Program Files (x86)\Kutana\Kappris
However, as the above location is often read-protected, you can also locate config.ini in the "all users" folder <PROGRAM_DATA>\Kutana\Kappris
config.ini can contain any/all Kappris settings but we recommend that you use it as a "gateway" to other settings, rather than a container for those settings.
Primarily it provides location information for each Kappris namespace.
There are 4 principal namespaces:
- Kappris - contains all settings for the Kappris driver and other main services
- Debug - contains all settings to turn on/off logging, profiling and debug screens
- Supported Applications - contains all settings to turn on/off supported applications, currently Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word
- DMS - (release 1.8 onwards) contains all settings to activate DMS Lookup to translate DMS file references into meaningful job names in the destination print queue
To set up a namespace location user the following entries:
[Namespace] Kappris=<PATH to Kappris Initialisation File> Debug=<PATH to Debug Initialisation File> Supported Applications=<PATH to Supported Applications Intialisation File> DMS=<PATH to DMS Lookup settings File>
NB Namespaces can point to the same file if you want to keep settings together
After installation these are generally:
[Namespace] Kappris=c:\program files\kutana\kappris\kappris.ini Debug=config.ini
Which means that:
- Debug settings can be found in config.ini itself
- Kappris settings can be found in c:\program files\kutana\kappris\kappris.ini
- Supported Applications namespace location is not specified so the settings can be found in their default location, which is also config.ini
- DMS namespace location is not specified so the settings can be found in their default location, which is also config.ini
DMS Information Lookup (>= release 1.8)
[DMS Info] Log=c:\temp Provider=IWDMSLookup.dll Connection=WORKSITE;LOCALPATH=c:\NRPORTBL;USER=%USER% Document Name Format=[DESCRIPTION] [MATTER] . [CLIENT] Document ID Pattern=\d{1,8}_\d{1,4}
Provider - the .NET assembly DLL capable of performing the job name translation. This DLL is DMS-specific and currently only Autonomy (WorkSite) is supported (v1.8+)
Connection - connection information to be used by Provider. With Autonomy this should be blank if you want to use the default library or should contain the name of the library you want to use for lookups
It has other options semi-colon separated:
USER = username if you want to specify a username. If left out it will assume that Trusted Logins is being used. If Trusted Logins are not in use then USER = %USER% will use the current Windows login.
LOCALPATH=<path to nrportbl> (This is the local cache of the library currently in use and is normally in c:\NRPORTBL)
Document Name Format - a combination of property names (in square brackets) and other text that can be used to construct the name of the job in the print queue. [Custom1] in Autonomy for legal practitioners is normally the client number. [Custom2] is normally the matter number. [Description] is the document description.
Document ID Pattern - a regular expression, using which Kappris can pick up the Document ID or file reference from the document name that passes through the Windows spooler. eg If Microsoft Word prints the file 9854_6.doc, the spooler will see a document name Microsoft Word - 9854_6.doc and Kappris will need to extract 9854_6 from this using a regular expression so the lookup can then be processed.
Example Configuration
Our own config.ini at Kutana looks like this:
[NameSpace] Kappris=\\monteverdi\kupris\kappris.ini [Debug] #Caxton Visible=True #Caxton Show Progress=False #Caxton Always Keep=True #Caxton Wait To Proceed=True #Profiling Active=True #Profile Log File=C:\temp\%USERNAME% #Show Standard Driver UI=True [Supported Applications] #Outlook Active=False #Word Active=False [iManage] Print Docs Warning Limit=100 Print Docs Maximum Limit=1000
Most of these settings will be unused in a standard installation. The main entry is Kappris in the NameSpace section and this determines the location of your central Kappris configuration and all its associated files.
See kappris.ini for further details