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Kappris operates using pre-configured files as far as possible and will generate its own configuration files under some circumstances. Self-generating files are not covered in any detail in this section.
There are 4 classes of configuration file:
- Global configuration: config.ini, kappris.ini
- Kappris configuration: eg kappris_main.cfg
- Settings: eg kappris_CF01x2y.cfg
- Snapshots: eg {E26E296B-CE63-429D-9210-C7D5D42C03A5}.dvm
The usual configuration of Kappris would have all of these except config.ini on a central network share. For a local configuration, all files will be on the local machine.
Configuration File Classes
Global Configuration
Kappris Configuration
The Kappris Configuration is called kappris_main.cfg and is located in the same folder as kappris.ini. This file should ONLY be edited using Kappris Control Panel (KpMgr.exe). Manual editing is NOT SUPPORTED.
Settings files contain lists of printers in the order preferred for each workstation/client/user. They always reside in Settings, which is a subfolder of the folder containing kappris.ini. It is sometimes useful to maniplate these by hand. In general, it is best for the user to order them for themselves by means of the Printer Priority feature in Word or in Outlook.
Snapshots files contain bit patterns of printer settings. They always reside in Snapshot, which is a subfolder of the folder containing kappris.ini. Manipulation or management of these files by hand is NOT SUPPORTED.
Setting up Local vs Shared
Kappris is installed in C:\Program Files\Kutana\Kappris
Program data can be stored in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kutana\Kappris
Central configuration folder is \\monteverdi\Kutana\Kappris
Setting up on Network Share
C:\Program Files\Kutana\Kappris\config.ini:
[Namespace] Kappris=\\monteverdi\Kutana\Kappris\kappris.ini
[Engine] Config File=kappris_main.cfg Settings File Differentiator=%COMPUTERNAME%
\\monteverdi\Kutana\Kappris should have sub-folders:
Settings Snapshots XMLData
All three folders must be writeable by Kappris users
This will cause:
- Kappris Config File to be \\monteverdi\Kutana\Kappris\kappris_main.cfg
- Kappris Control Panel's temporary work file to be \\monteverdi\Kutana\Kappris\TempInfoStore.ini
- Kappris list of preferred printers to be \\monteverdi\Kutana\Kappris\Settings\kappris_<COMPUTERNAME>.cfg
Setting up on Local Machine
C:\Program Files\Kutana\Kappris\config.ini:
[Namespace] Kappris=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kutana\Kappris\kappris.ini
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kutana\Kappris\kappris.ini:
[Engine] Config File=kappris_main.cfg Settings File Differentiator=%COMPUTERNAME%
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kutana\Kappris should have sub-folders:
Settings Snapshot XMLData
All three folders must be writeable by Kappris users
This will cause:
- Kappris Config File to be C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kutana\Kappris\kappris_main.cfg
- Kappris Control Panel's temporary work file to be C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kutana\Kappris\TempInfoStore.ini
- Kappris list of preferred printers to be C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kutana\Kappris\Settings\kappris_<COMPUTERNAME>.cfg
Synchronising Local Configurations
If configurations are being edited on a machine running in local configuration mode the following files and folders need to be copied to each machine after any configuration changes:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kutana\Kappris\
- kappris.ini
- kappris_main.cfg
- licence.xml
- C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kutana\Kappris\Snapshot (and all sub-folders)