Kappris will happily log details of each print job it processes into XML files. It logs one file per print job, regardless of how many imprints are included in the job. Logging is turned OFF by default so the administrator must take specific action to turn it on.
Logging Location
Kappris configuration information is in the Central Configuration Folder (CCF) and log files are placed in a subfolder of CCF called XMLData. The full path to each log file is of the form:
- <CCF> is your Kappris Central Configuration folder
- <DATE_STAMP> is the date of job submission by Kappris to the destination printer in the form "YYYYMMDD"
- <USERNAME> is the login of the user sending to print
- <TIMESTAMP> is the time of job submission to Kappris in the form "YYYYMMDDHHNNSSZZZ"
- <WINDOWS_JOB_ID> is the JOB_ID allocated by the Windows spooler to the print job submitted to Kappris
You will need to create the XMLData folder and the UserExportData folder within it.
XML Data Structure
The XML is easy to read and has a heirarchy: PrintJob contains one Imprint or more; Imprint contains one PageData or more
PageData is the XML node at which page count and paper type information is held.
A formal definition for PrintJob xml can be found in the schema definition PrintJob.xsd
This is a sample PrintJob xml file 130315_0003.xml
Toggling Print Job Logging
Print Job logging may be turned on or off using an entry in kappris.ini.
Simply remove the ;
comment character from the left-hand end of line below:
[Options] ;Log print job xml=TRUE
For further details see kappris.ini
Description of Data Fields
- App Copy Count - number of copies requested by the printing application (String)
- Colour - colour setting selected by print mode or user (Boolean)
- Copy Count - number of copies specified (Integer)
- Duplex - duplex setting selected by print mode, user or source application (Boolean)
- Impression Count - number of individual sides printed (Integer)
- Kappris ID - ID allocated to this print job by Kappris (String)
- Local Submission Time - Local time the application started printing to Kappris (DateTime)
- Machine Name - the computer on which the printing application was running (String)
- Page Count - number of pages printed (Integer)
- Paper Size - paper size (String)
- Paper Type - stationery used as defined in Kappris configuration (String)
- Print Job ID - the ID allocated to this print job by Windows (Integer)
- Print Mode - the name of the Kappris print mode selected for printing (String)
- Printer - destination printer (String)
- Sheet Count - number of sheets of paper used (Integer)
- Source Application - printing application as seen by Kappris (String)
- Source Document - document name given to the print job by the printing application (NB Kappris is reliant on the printing application to supply this information) (String)
- Submission Time - Universal Time the application started printing to Kappris (DateTime)
- Total Pages - total number of pages sent to the destination printer (NB this is not always accurate. See ImpressionCount, PageCount & SheetCount) (Integer)
- User Name - login of the user who sent the job to print (String)
Exporting XML Data into a SQL Database
There are two programs that can be used to export the XML data into a SQL Database: DataExportManager.exe, DataExporter.exe. These allow export of XML data from the XML logs into any ADO-compliant SQL database. They allow easy manipulation of data using meaningful data field names.
For instructions on how to create a suitable database, have a look at the wiki here
Applies to Kappris v2.0.9 and later.