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Kappris v2.2 Features
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Last modified on 03/04/2018 15:32 by User.


Kappris v2.2 Features

64-bit Office

Releases of Kappris 2.2.1 onwards are compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit Office.

Print Modes with Multiple Imprints

If a print mode has multiple imprints, the copy count for each imprint can be edited without having to use Advanced Edit. This feature is available in Excel and Word. Below is an example print mode Letter + Copy in Word that has two imprints: Letter and File Copy. Note that the copy count for each imprint can be edited directly from the Word Print tab.

Kappris Print from Windows Explorer

Kappris now integrates with Windows Explorer (AKA File Explorer). Kappris is now available from the context menu.

The context menu will offer Print via Kappris if there are any files in your selection, whether they are printable or not.

Clicking on the menu item will launch Kapprisif you have You can now select multiple files in Explorer via right-click and Print with Kappris you can apply your normal KapprisFileExplorerPrint.exe, which then analyses the selected file or files to determine which can be printed.

Like Outlook, it also analyses .MSG and.ZIP files to see if they contain anything further that is printable. Using the user interface of this program, you can then select which files to print and how to print them.