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Kappris v1.8.1.6715
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Last modified on 5/20/2016 12:26 PM by User.


Kappris v1.8.1.6715

Build date: 13 July 2015


OneDrive: 32 bit64 bit

Release Notes

1952: Only show imprint count in print queue if imprint count > 1

Suffix "[x of y]" only appears if there is more than one imprint

2016: Caxton truncates job name in destination queue


1105: Remove Print Mode from Word

Print modes can now be hidden from Word by adding the selector "!Word"

1168: 'Kappris' printer driver is not installed on this computer


1364: PDF Problem - Overlapping Text and Wrong Characters

Fixed. Problem occurs with Amyuni and other PDF drivers that do not provide a font checksum

2399: Kappris msi can only install with elevated privileges

Fixed. No longer need to install from Administrator command prompt

2966: Error printing attachment with long filename
