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Kappris v1.7.11.5835
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Last modified on 9/27/2016 1:10 PM by User.


Kappris v1.7.11.5835

Build date: 17 September 2014


OneDrive: 32 bit64 bit

Release Notes

1838: Tidy orphaned JobConsolidation folders

Temporary job folders created during Kappris printing are removed more reliably.

1841/1837: Allow print modes to be hidden from Word

A print mode can be hidden from Microsoft Word by including "-Word" in the print mode's Selector property.

1842: Error if selected AppPrinter is unavailable

Occurs particularly if user opens an Excel file that was last printed to a printer that is no longer available. We now use the best-fit printer if the application-selected printer is not available.

1844: MS Word jobs not printing to specification when opened from ODMA-compliant DMS

Circumvented by allowing looser Job/Specification matching when printing from Word

1849: Printout to Ricoh copier selects wrong input tray

Paper selection now finds matches based on the paper's numeric id rather than its descriptive name, which may well change between printer manufacturers, e.g 'A4' vs 'A4 (210 x 297 mm)'

1834: Tidy PrintSequencer job files without throwing an exception message

This change only affects PrintSequencer printing. When it runs, Caxton tries to delete any redundant temp files from the SharedFolder setting defined in the KapprisPrint.dll.config. If it cannot delete a temp folder it no longer throws a scary exception message, but marks the folder for deletion the next time Caxton runs.

1835: Repair Caxton so it can emit CodeSite messages again

When the [Debug] section of the config.ini file contains these two lines:

	Profiling Active=True
	Profile Log File=C:\some\folder\name

then as Caxton runs it will record its activity as a series of diagnostic messages in the file named ProfileLog_yyyy-mm-dd.csl in the c:\some\folder\name folder.