Build date: 4 September 2014
Release Notes
993: MSI installs Data Export programs
The new files DataExportManager.exe and DataExporter.exe plus required support files are installed to the .\Extras folder.
1643: Kappris error when exiting protected view
1645: Office Integration error when unprotecting Word attachment
1676: Carson "hangs" intermittently on Citrix
Fixed. Multiple changes to avoid hanging and now much easier to troubleshoot if anything does go wrong
1679: "Hide file extensions" causes slow printing from Word
1681: KappConf.dll and KSupport3.dll are not registered as x64 on x64 machines
1721: Kappris installer can cause downgrade of UNIDRV dlls
1742: Log how much of email is printed
XML logs now provide information on how much of an email is printed
1744: Custom Paper selection does not work correctly
Kappris now works correctly with Compliments Slip (210 x 99 mm) paper and other non-standard paper sizes.
1804: Remove "ensure print order" option
Kappris Outlook integration can ensure printout order for multiple emails and attachments. Previously this was a user option because it slowed down printing so much. Since Kappris can now operate at the same speed whether ensuring print order or not, Kutana has set this option permanently ON. The redundant check boxes have therefore been removed.
1805: Office 2003 Outlook integration not using Kappris defaults
1821: Outlook and Word Print buttons can be confusing
On the File|Print tab, the print button that calls Kappris in Outlook and Word is now captioned "Kappris Print" instead of simply "Print"
1822: User permissions cause slow printing