Upgrade installation fails with error code 2753
This is usually caused by an entry in the registry referencing an older version of Kappris.
Search the registry for the below entry (or similar) and rename or delete.
Once you have done this and installed the new version you may get OLE80130040 error when running KPMGR or trying to print.
If so:
First clean up the registry as per the instructions in the attached text file Registry Cleanup.txt.
Next uninstall Kappris from an Admin cmd window using this command:
msiexec /l*v logfile.txt /i Kappris.msi
Choose the 'Remove' option.
Check that the C:\Program Files (x86)\Kutana\Kappris folder is now empty apart from 2 or 3 ini files
Run the command again and this time choose install.