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Office 2010/2013/2016 Integrat…»Office 2003/2007 Integration
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Last modified on 1/30/2015 11:18 AM by User.


Office 2003/2007 Integration

Kappris integration with versions of Microsoft Office prior to 2010 is achieved with an Outlook COM add-in for Outlook, and with two startup templates for Word.


You need to execute the following two commands after installation:

regsvr32 "<KAPPRIS PROGRAM FOLDER>\KapprisOffice.dll" /u
regsvr32 "<KAPPRIS PROGRAM FOLDER>\OutlookPrint.dll"

The first command unregisters Outlook (and Word) integration for Office 2010. The second command registers Outlook integration for Office 2003/2007.

Outlook integration notes


Find the startup folder Word is using (File Locations in the options dialog) and place and in this folder. Unless you have other COM add-ins or startup templates intercepting Word's print commands, this will be enough to make Kappris work in Word.

Word integration notes