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Add-in disabled
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Last modified on 1/30/2015 11:15 AM by User.


Add-in disabled

We are currently investigating this issue with other clients but, to-date, we have very little to go on.

All we know at present is that the user is warned on start-up of Word or Outlook that the application would like to disable the add-in. The user can then click yes or no.

These symptoms are very unhelpful and may not even concur with what you are seeing.

The reason they are unhelpful is that the application is only telling us it has HAD a problem with the add-in. We want to see the problem at the time it occurs.

So my questions are:

  • Does the user see some kind of application error before the application tries to disable the add-in?
  • If so, does the error 'wizard' allow them to send stuff to Microsoft?
  • If so, when they take the send option, is there a detail dialog that lists xml, dump and other files?
  • If so, can you capture